Kuschelhöhle Haustierbett
Kuschelhöhle Haustierbett
Kuschelhöhle Haustierbett
Kuschelhöhle Haustierbett
Kuschelhöhle Haustierbett
Kuschelhöhle Haustierbett

Kuschelhöhle Haustierbett

Angebotspreis44,95 € Regulärer Preis79,95 €
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Welcome to the Cozy Round Plush Dog Bed & Cave, a luxurious and versatile sanctuary for your beloved pet. Meticulously designed with plush coral fleece and soft PP cotton, this bed offers unparalleled comfort and a soothing retreat for your dog.

  • Luxurious Coral Fleece Material: This bed is crafted from high-quality coral fleece, known for its plush, soft texture. It provides a gentle touch, perfect for pets who love to snuggle and feel pampered.

  • Ultra-Comfortable PP Cotton Padding: The bed is filled with premium PP cotton, ensuring a fluffy and supportive resting space. This cushioning is ideal for pets of all ages, providing relief for joints and muscles.

  • 2-in-1 Versatile Design: Unique in its design, this product serves both as a cozy bed and a protective house cave. It's perfect for dogs who enjoy the security of an enclosed space or the openness of a standard bed.

  • Warm and Inviting for All Seasons: The plush material and enclosed option make it suitable for all seasons, keeping your pet warm in winter and comfortable in summer.

  • Non-Slip Base for Stability: Equipped with a non-slip bottom, the bed stays in place on various surfaces, ensuring safety and convenience.

  • Easy to Clean and Maintain: The bed is designed for hassle-free maintenance. It's machine washable, allowing you to keep it clean and hygienic with minimal effort.

  • Suitable for Small to Medium Dogs: Perfect for small to medium-sized breeds, this bed provides ample space for your dog to stretch out and relax.

Transform your pet's sleeping experience with our Cozy Round Plush Dog Bed & Cave. It's more than a bed; it's a symbol of your love and care, offering your pet a personal haven of comfort and security.


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  • Wir bieten kostenlosen Versand innerhalb Deutschlands an.
  • Wir bieten eine 100%-Geld-zurück-Garantie ab dem Tag der Lieferung der Bestellung. Bitte kontaktiere support@pawsandjoy.com, wenn Du die Bestellung zurückgeben möchtest.

Für ein glückliches Hundeleben

Hunde sind so viel mehr als nur Haustiere - sie sind unsere treuen Begleiter, unsere besten Freunde und unsere Familienmitglieder. Ihre bedingungslose Liebe und Loyalität kennen keine Grenzen und sie sind immer da, um uns zu trösten, zu beschützen und uns zum Lachen zu bringen.